Help with our online systems

scottishathletics and UK Athletics have several online systems for use by our members and customers. This page is designed to help you navigate them.

The first section tells you which system to use for common tasks. Below, you can read more about each of the systems.

What do you want to do?

TaskOnline system to use
Become a member of scottishathletics or jogscotlandUser portal
Renew my membershipUser portal
Enter an eventUser portal
Book a spectator place at an eventUser portal
Apply for an event licenceLicensing portal
Manage my athletics club’s entries into a scottishathletics eventClub portal
Renew my club members’ scottishathletics memberships on their behalfClub portal
Work on my athletics club’s managementClubServe
Manage my athletics club’s own membershipClubServe
Manage entries to an event organised by my clubClubServe
Book onto a coach/jog leader/officials education courseAthletics Hub
Book/complete the safeguarding course needed to receive my UKA licenceAthletics Hub
Upload a photograph for my UKA licenceMy Athletics Portal

User Portal
Who is it for?
athletics and jogscotland members; anyone wishing to participate or spectate at our events.
What is it for?
Managing your scottishathletics and jogscotland memberships and event entries. Your account can be linked with those of members of your family, meaning parents with multiple athlete-children can use just one account. From your portal, you can manage different kinds of membership and also register yourself or a family member to participate in or spectate at a scottishathletics event.
Useful information
We have FAQs available to help you troubleshoot any issues you might have –
scottishathletics membership FAQs
jogscotland membership FAQs
Event entry FAQs
If none of the information in the FAQs solves your issue, please contact for membership queries and for event queries.

Club Portal
Who is it for?
Athletics clubs – usually club secretaries or team managers.
What is it for?
Allows clubs to manage the scottishathletics memberships and event entries of members of their club. Club secretaries or team managers can use the Club Portal to renew their athletes’ scottishathletics memberships or to complete team entries into scottishathletics events.

Who is it for?
Athletics clubs – usually committee members.
What is it for?
ClubServe is a sports management system, accessible by all affiliated athletics clubs, which can be used to support the management of club affairs. It can be used for reviews, development planning, affiliation, bookkeeping, managing a club’s own membership database and collecting online entries into club events.
Useful information
* You can find out more about Clubserve at
* ClubServe overview – downloadable pdf

Licensing Portal
Who is it for?
Clubs, associate members and event organisation members.
What is it for?
Applying for event licences.
Useful information
You can read more about event licensing on our Licensing page.

Athletics Hub
Who is it for?
People who want to book coach, jog leader and officials education courses.
What is it for?
Viewing courses that are currently available, booking your place, and accessing course resources.

My Athletics Portal
Who is it for?
Coaches, jog leaders and officials.
What is it for?
Managing your information held on the UKA licensing system. You can update personal information, upload a photograph, view courses attended, view qualifications, and complete your record of experience electronically/export annual record of experience for submission (officials only).
Useful information
Your My Athletics Portal account will be set up automatically when you set up an account on Athletics Hub – your login and password for the Portal is same as that used to access Athletics Hub (usually with your email address or URN)

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