Club Affiliation

scottishathletics currently has over 150 clubs affiliating annually.

Existing member clubs complete an annual online affiliation form to maintain their membership of scottishathletics. The online form link is sent to Club Secretaries in July each year and must be submitted by 31 August. Any clubs not returning before the deadline may lose the opportunity to vote at the AGM in September.

The varied information provided during the annual affiliation is vital for scottishathletics, and in particular our Development Team, to ensure that clubs receive targeted support to assist with their activities, ambitions and infrastructure. The information is also essential for demonstrating to funding partners the progress the sport is making and to help us evidence the wider benefits that participating in athletics can have.

For existing clubs that wish to review the criteria for maintaining affiliation please refer to the ‘basic needs of a club’ page on the menu.

For further information on how to affiliate to scottishathletics please select the ‘how to affiliate’ page from the menu.

The fee for club affiliation is set at the AGM and is currently £7 per first claim member and £3 per second claim member.

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