Scottish Athletics were named Governing Body of the Year for the third time in four years at the 2019 Scottish Sports Awards (photo courtesy of Team Scotland/Scottish Sports Awards)
Mark Munro to leave for new role with UK Athletics
scottishathletics are inviting applications for our Chief Executive Officer vacancy – with the closing deadline looming next week
It was confirmed last month that Mark Munro has accepted a post as Development Director with UK Athletics and is set to leave us early in 2021 after a ten-year association.
Now the process to find his successor begins and would-be applicants are asked to study in full the documents placed on our Vacancies section.
The closing date for applications is noon on Wednesday 16 December.
CEO Vacancy – more information and how to apply
The CEO post at scottishathletics remains one of the most significant in Scottish sport and the successful candidate will have a big responsibility to help drive the culture and approach both within the governing body and the sport itself.
Chairman Ian Beattie believes the job is highly attractive and noted how the next couple of years offer a number of opportunities for top Scottish athletes.
scottishathletics has experienced a membership base of 14,200 individual members, 20,000+ members of our 152 athletics clubs and more than 450 formalised jogging groups.
Candidates should apply with CV and covering letter, marked “private and confidential”, to Francesca Snitjer, Executive and Equalities Officer, at
An equal opportunities form should also be completed and returned.
The closing date for application is noon on Wednesday 16 December 2020 with interviews taking place in January 2021.
Ian Beattie pictured at the Lindsays National XC back in February when he represented Harmeny AC (photo by Bobby Gavin)
Four successes for athletics at SWiS awards
‘It is an exciting time for athletics in Scotland and I am sure the CEO role will attract a high level of interest from a wide range of candidates,’ said Ian.
‘Whoever is appointed will be taking over at a time when a great deal of outstanding development work is being carried out by our clubs, our top athletes are performing well at a world level, guided by some of the world’s top coaches, and there is a general feel-good factor across the whole sport.
‘There is also the added excitement of a 2021 Olympic and Paralympic Games and a 2022 World Championships, where we would expect to see strong Scottish representation within GB and NI teams.
‘The summer of 2022 of course also features the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham, where our track, field and road athletes will be an important part of the wider Team Scotland.
‘I look forward to the interview process and helping select the right person.
‘We are looking for someone to lead the sport in the years ahead and build on the achievements of recent years.’
*Meanwhile, Ian Beattie has been appointed to the Board of UK Athletics.
In a move which is line with greater co-operation between UK Athletics and the Home Country Federations, there are now co-opted places for scottishathletics, England Athletics, Welsh Athletics and Athletics Northern Ireland.
As our Chair, Ian will represent athletics in Scotland until next September (when he is due to stand down from his scottishathletics role).
Tags: Ian Beattie, Mark Munro, UK Athletics
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