Team staff named for Loughborough with athletes to wear new Joma vests

Friday 17th May 2024

Picked for Scotland! We name team for Loughborough

Scotland head into the Loughborough International this weekend with hopes high for good performances.

We named the team at the start of the week and, since then, it has been pleasing to see four young athletes confirmed for the GB and NI Juniors team.

The nature of the Loughborough International event is such that Scots can actually compete for four teams – Scotland, GB and NI, Loughborough Uni and the National League!

Today we are pleased to confirm the team staff who helps us manage this event.

Former scottishathletics President Leslie Roy and Mark Pollard, our Head of Performance, are in key roles.

The other positions are filled by a combination of staff members and volunteers.

Sprints: Allan Scott, Alan Erickson, Ryan Oswald

Endurance: Robert Hawkins, Nichola Crawford

Jumps: Emma Lowry, Jamie Bowie

Throws: Sam O’Kane

Physiotherapist: Iain McEwan

Thanks to all committing their time to these roles.

Four picked for GB and NI U20 team

Athletes at our kit launch Stefanie Tucker, Ethan Pottie, Cameron Thores and Stewart Greenhalgh are joined by Sam Alsop of Joma as well as staff duo Sam O’Kane and Mark Pollard (photo by Bobby Gavin)

Ethan, Stewart and Cameron wear the new competition vest (photo by Bobby Gavin)

Tags: Loughborough International, Scotland

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