Coaches asked to do mandatory Safeguarding

Friday 9th November 2018

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Safeguarding course

A new mandatory online safeguarding course for all athletics coaches has been launched in an effort to ensure that all children, young people and adults at risk within the sport are protected.

scottishathletics, in partnership with UK Athletics, have been working with EduCare – an independent and industry-leading provider – to develop the bespoke online safeguarding course which will meet the blended training requirements within the Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) annual NGB assessment process.

Children, young people and adults at risk are best protected when those working directly with them are clear about what is required of them individually, and how they need to work together in partnership with others to promote the best interests of these individuals and their families.

All Scottish coaches have been sent emails to outline our approach and the reasons for the scheme.

Nigel Holl, UKA Interim Chief Executive said: ‘Safeguarding is everyone’s business and UKA alongside the Home Country Athletics Federations are leading by example by meeting the requirements of the CPSU.

‘We want, and need, children, young people and adults at risk to feel safe and at ease in all athletics environments, so it is critical that all our coaches – whatever level and experience – complete the online course so we can maintain the integrity of our sport and the safety of those within it.

‘We understand the huge time and resource demands on our dedicated and primary volunteer workforce, which is why extra measures have been taken to ensure this is a course they can complete in their own time and at lowest possible cost due to it being subsidised.

‘When it comes to welfare and safeguarding we cannot take any shortcuts in getting this right; we have to ensure athletics coaches are best prepared but also that we help them to do it affordably and with a course that most closely meets the unique requirements of our sport.’

The new online safeguarding course will be introduced in phases from 1 April 2019.

It costs only £10 to access the course and the online nature of the training allows coaches to complete it in their own time and choice of location. It comprises two modules as well as a short, multiple-choice test after each module.

It has been devised specifically for athletics using UKA’s existing welfare policies and procedures, so all examples are relevant to the sport.

Safeguarding course

FAQs Mandatory Safeguarding

Why are coaches now being asked to undertake mandatory training to renew a coach licence?

UKA has revised its safeguarding requirements for the governance of coaches following a directive from the Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU).

What if I already have a safeguarding qualification?

We are asking all coaches to take the short bespoke UKA safeguarding module. The UKA module has been designed by an independent and industry-leading provider with experience in delivering online safeguarding courses. This partnership with UKA has allowed us to provide a course which is bespoke to athletics plus UKA policies and procedures. This ensures that the case studies and examples cited are relevant to athletics and that the policies and procedures are specific to UKA.

What if I do my safeguarding course now, but my Licence renewal isn’t due for another year?

Your Licence renewal will be triggered by your DBS renewal date, or when you are required to complete a PVG scheme record update (Scottish Coaches). If you have completed our safeguarding module within the 3 years prior to that then your Licence will be renewed. If your safeguarding module completion date falls outside 3 years, then you will be asked to complete this alongside your DBS renewal, or PVG scheme record update. You will be given 16 weeks notice of this requirement.

How long does the course take to complete?

The course is 2 modules in length. Each module takes between 30 minutes to an hour to complete. You can start and leave the course at any time, which means that you can manage completion around your own schedule.

Do I have to take a test at the end?

There is a short multiple-choice knowledge test at the end of each module. There is a requirement to get 70% of answers correct. If you don’t achieve this, then you can have further attempts at no further charge.

I am having trouble accessing the course.

Booking information and trouble-shooting guides are available on our course booking pages. If you still can’t access the course please contact either: or

I have some questions about the course that aren’t to do with booking, who should I contact?

For general enquiries please contact the UKA Coach Education Team:


Tags: Nigel Holl, safeguarding, UK Athletics, Welfare

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