Help us with Equality Monitoring Survey

Sunday 9th August 2020

All male and female races in Scottish cross country national events have equal distances (photo by Bobby Gavin)

New equality and diversity advisors

scottishathletics and jogscotland are committed to making your sport accessible to all.

This will be accomplished by upholding the principles of equality in all aspects of our work.

We audit and monitor our business activities regularly, and take appropriate steps if it appears that our commitment to equality is not being delivered effectively.

To help us towards these goals, we are asking members to complete the Equality Monitoring Survey 2020 which is being emailed out this week.

Your co-operation in helping us to gather this monitoring information is much appreciated in these instances and will greatly aid our efforts to ensure that all staff/coaches/Officials/board members and participants are treated fairly regardless of age, gender, race, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion or belief.

Without this data, it will not be possible to identify any current areas of under-representation or potential inequalities, and as such, it will make it much more difficult for us to tackle these issues.

This work is being carried out as part of our responsibilities under the Equality Act, 2010, and as part of the accreditation process for the Equality Standard for Sport.

scottishathletics were proud to achieve the Advanced Level in July 2019.

scottishathletics land Advanced Level in Equality Standard

*This survey has been created with the support and advice of our Equality and Diversity Advisory Group.

(Please note there are different surveys for adults, 16-12 year olds and U12).


Tags: Equality, Equality and Diversity Advisory Group

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