Officials survey responses needed; Gil Fowler; Field Course

Tuesday 18th February 2020

Officials section of this website

We recently sent out by email a survey to all scottishathletics Officials on our plans for Recruitment and Retention.

It is vital that scottishathletics continue to work hard on trying to bring new volunteers into the sport and indeed help with the progress of those who have already made a commitment to help us make events happen.

Feedback from Officials will help us in this regard and we are now keen for those responses to come back in to Shona Malcolm.

Please complete the Google form by Sunday 23 February.

Thanks very much indeed.


It is with great sadness that we have heard of the passing of Gil Fowler at his home earlier this month.

All at scottishathletics would like to express our sympathy and support for Edith and her family at this sad time.

Gil’s dedication and enthusiasm for athletics was always evident as part of our start team, before retiring from officiating in early 2000.

The funeral details are as follows:

Friday 21 February at 9:45am

St Nicolas Parish Church, High Street, Lanark, ML11 9EF.

Thereafter 11am at Daldowie Crematorium, 17 Hamilton Road, Uddingston, Glasgow, G71 7RU.


We’re keen to see a few more sign-ups for our Field Offcials course at the Emirates Arena on Sunday 8 March.

If you’ve been involved in athletics in any way, then this course is for you. Or indeed if you simply have a desire to volunteer in the sport and are keen to help.

As a number of our current qualified Officials explain in our video piece, being part of the scottishathletics purple and red team can be great fun and offers the chance to learn, work together and be involved in helping in the development of athletes through their careers.

Sign-ups here for Field Officials course


Tags: Gil Fowler, Officials

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