GET INVOLVED: Watch our next exercise in our ‘I Challenge You’ series

Tuesday 16th June 2020

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Our ‘I Challenge You’ series of exercises for athletics at home is proving really popular with scottishathletics clubs and members.

The lockdown restrictions in place amid the coronavirus crisis may have eased slightly but overall they have of course led athletes, coaches and clubs to adapt their usual routines.

And we are firmly of the view that the message has to be: Training? It’s still on, just different!

Now we’re pleased to share another short video explaining our next  ‘I Challenge You’ exercise routines for you to try at home.

In this one, GB international Allan Smith demonstrates the speed bounce and asks you to see how many you can do in 30 seconds.

We see these as perfect for athletes of all ages and stages and urge clubs to engage with members by sharing this story and our social media posts.

Of course, remember, if you want to adjust the length of time you do these for, feel free!

So younger athletes (U13 and U15 perhaps) could do the speed bounces for 20 seconds, for example. After all, it is meant to be a fun way to keep fit.

GB internationals Guy Learmonth, Josh Kerr and Nikki Manson have featured so far in helping us out filming exercises and after today we should have one more ‘I Challenge You’ video to come next Tuesday – so look out for that.

And if you want to use the video to challenge family, friends, club-mates and age group rivals then we’d love to see that, too!

Below are Nikki’s two exercises – the wall sit and switches and then, further down, Josh’s two exercises – jumping squats and ‘Around the World sit-ups’.

Tags: Allan Smith, Guy Learmonth, I Challenge You, Josh Kerr, Nikki Manson

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