Join us for the AGM on Saturday

Wednesday 26th September 2018


The scottishathletics Annual General Meeting takes place at the Emirates Arena in Glasgow this Saturday morning (September 29).

Clubs are encouraged to send a representative to the AGM as we regard this as an important meeting for our vision for our sport. Delegates planning to attend are asked to read the final paperwork which was sent by email to Club Secretaries during last week.

Particular note should be made to the voting procedures. Proxy forms must be fully completed and returned to the Company by 12 noon on Friday (September 28). Post, hand delivery and email to are all acceptable methods.

Fully completed voting mandates must be presented at the AGM, and must be signed by someone other than the representative. The Period covered by this AGM is the financial year from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.

In addition, clubs who have failed to complete and return the annual affiliation form with full payment prior to the AGM, will not be entitled to vote.

The meeting, which will be chaired by Ian Beattie, will start at 10am on Level Five at the Emirates Arena with tea/coffee served from 9.30am.

*Apologies or any other queries around AGM issues should be emailed to Dawn Allan 

Financial Statements 2018

Tags: AGM, Dawn Allan, Emirates Arena, Ian Beattie

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