Thanks to all our SUPERteams

Monday 6th February 2017

Huge thanks to all involved in the SUPERteams event at the Emirates Arena on Sunday.

This is our primary development event for the youngest athletes at our clubs and it was brilliant to see 106 clubs supporting the event.

Four U12 athletes are each given the chance to compete in four events and we also want to recognised the superb effort by our volunteers and scottishathletics Officials in helping to make the SUPERteams happen.

There were victories for Inverness Harriers in both the boys and girls competitions. Ayr Seaforth were second in the girls event with Larkhall Girls taking third place. Harmeny Boys were second in the boys event with Airdrie Harriers taking third place.

With more than 2000 performances having to be scored, unfortunately there was a mishap with medal presentations on the day and we do apologise to the clubs involved (and their athletes, coaches and parents).

It is our intention to forward new trophies and medals as per the Results but no request will be made for medals to be returned.

We would stress once again the nature of the event is for development and enjoyment purposes – and our thanks to clubs and our Officials for your support.

Provisional SUPERteams Results are online on our Events Section (scroll down page on left)


Tags: Emirates Arena, Officials, SuperTEAMS

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