Scottish Students XC Champs; Glasgow XC session

Wednesday 30th October 2019

Scottish Student Sport XC Champs – key info

The Scottish Student Sport XC Champs take place this weekend in Dundee.

Camperdown Park is the venue for Saturday’s event which features a female race over 6.6k and a male race over 9.6k.

Edinburgh Uni Hare and Hounds could well be favourites in both events having won the Senior Men’s title at the East XC Relays recently and the Senior Women’s golds at the Lindsays National XC Relays at Cumbernauld.

Registration is from 10am on Saturday at Campberdown Park with the timetable then as follows:

Women’s race over 6.4k at 12 noon

Men’s race over 9.6k at 1pm

Prize-giving at 2pm in the Learning Room at Camperdown Wildlife Centre, which is within the park.

There is a course map on the Event section page (see link above)


The Glasgow Athletics Association Endurance Group have started their series of cross country training sessions for the winter.

And the next one on the calendar is coming up on Saturday (November 2) and Netherpollok playing fields in Pollok Park.

All of the GAA sessions are suitable for athletes U15 and upwards.

At all sessions, athletes should arrive warmed up ready to go for 10:30am start.

After this weekend, there is one more pre-Christmas date: Saturday 16 November at Tollcross Park.


Tags: Dundee, Glasgow XC Sessions, Pollok Park, Scottish Student Cross Country Champs

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