The Emirates Arena will stage events on Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the weekend of February 18-20 (photo by Bobby Gavin)
Enter here for Senior Champs 400/800/1500/3000 on Friday 18 February
scottishathletics are pleased to confirm a new date for rescheduled 4J Scottish Senior Championship events.
The non-laned events – races over 400m, 800m and 1500m – due to have taken place previously at the Emirates Arena on January 22 will now happen on Friday 18 February.
And, as we further seek to restore all medal opportunities, the 3000m Championship events (from January 3) will also be part of that programme, which will run from 6pm to around 8.30pm.
With a huge thank you to our dedicated team of qualified scottishathletics Officials, entries will open on Wednesday at 10am for these Senior Championship races on Friday 18 February.
Athletes with confirmed entries for the original events will have their entry moved over to the new date.
But those with waiting list status need re-enter via our online booking system.
We appreciate and understand the short timeframe we are now operating within, after Covid-19 restrictions laid down by the Scottish Government and sportscotland led to the cancellations in January. We do apologise for the inconvenience and delays.
However, scottishathletics staff, volunteers and Officials will work together to deliver the 400m/800m/15000m/3000m races on the Friday evening – ahead of 4J Age Groups on the Saturday and Sunday thereafter.
It means that all manner of championships and age groups will be involved in competition over a 48-hour period at the Emirates Arena and we thank you for your support and patience around the 4J Indoor Season as a whole.
Spectator and coach registration for Friday 18 February
*Spectators and coaches do need to register the event on Friday 18 February but there are now no number restrictions applicable.
Tags: 4J Indoor Season, Emirates Arena
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