Let’s hear your voice: Honorary Life Membership nominations, please

Wednesday 5th June 2024

Honorary Life Membership 2024 (google.com)

We are currently asking our clubs and commissions to consider potential recipients of Honorary Life Membership of scottishathletics for 2024.

Honorary Life Membership is granted to people who have made a significant contribution to the sport at national level over a number of years.

This is primarily a non-competitive award – often awarded to a coach, official, or administrator – but in special circumstances competition achievements may also be a significant factor.

These awards are rare and there is no requirement or expectation that awards will be made in each year.

So we would ask those nominating to please consider carefully and only put forward candidates who have had a national presence over a long period of time, and whose work has greatly benefitted the sport.

To nominate candidates please complete the form below by Friday 14 June 2024.

Joyce, Elaine and Andy are our new Honorary Life Members (November 2023)


Tags: HLM, Honorary Life Membership

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