Free online course on sports bras and breast health

Saturday 3rd February 2024

We are pleased to make available a free online course on sports bras and breast health, designed for athletes, parents/carers, coaches, and support staff/educators.

The course from sportscotland aims to provide a better understanding of bras and breast health, including choosing the best bras for you and your sporting activities; recognising an optimally-fitting bra, and understanding the importance of breast health.

A well-fitting bra can improve comfort, confidence, and even performance – some studies show womenΒ  run up to 12 minutes faster over the course of a marathon in a properly-fitting bra, due to improved posture and stride. But a high proportion of active women wear ill-fitting bras.

The course features experts from the sportscotland Institute of Sport, along with athletes talking about their own experiences.

You can access the course on the link above, or via the Health and Mental Wellbeing page of our website, under the heading Working with Female Athletes.

Tags: Education, female athletes, online learning

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