COVID-19: Scottish Athletics Update
Tuesday 17 March 9.30am
Following the statement from the Scottish Government yesterday evening, scottishathletics continue to explore the most suitable approach based on the guidance provided.
As of today, the latest advice, particularly given the need to reduce social contact, has led scottishathletics to recommend the following course of action:
*All face-to-face education activity delivered by scottishathletics (coach, official, teacher, club etc) will cease until further clarity is provided by the Scottish Government.
Where we can, we will attempt to continue with education via online methods (eg webinar, skype etc). However, this may not be practically possible for all activities. Where not, the aim will be to re-schedule courses to a later date wherever feasible.
*All our scottishathletics Championship events scheduled until the end of April will be postponed and/or until further clarity is provided by the Scottish Government.
We recommend that independent event organisers follow the same course of action.
We will work with competition/event providers to find suitable alternative dates within the competition calendar and will discuss these matters with our respective event commissions.
*scottishathletics recommend that all formal club/group training sessions be cancelled for the time being but the situation will be monitored and reviewed on a week-by-week basis and until the recommendations on social contact are better understood.
*We will continue to monitor this recommendation and update guidance as soon as we can, particularly given the fact that educational establishments remain open.
*However, we fully recognise the importance of all participants continuing to be physically active during this time.
We would encourage people to do so in safe and appropriate environments keeping in mind the latest Scottish Government advice. Participants should also seek guidance from your local facility provider to better understand their position regarding continued operations around access.
*scottishathletics staff may be forced to work from home due to building access restrictions at our Edinburgh base over the coming days/weeks.
However, we will fully implement our business continuity plan to ensure we maintain appropriate standards of work and customer engagement.
Staff will also be instructed that non-essential travel should be avoided until further notice, but to use alternative methods, ie. phone, skype, conference call, TEAMS etc.
Postponed – events like the Tru Wealth National Road Relays will be re-scheduled for later in 2020 where possible
Key Contacts
If you have any queries on events please contact .
For queries on coach education contact
For further information on club programmes or workshops contact
Further guidance
Further advice for the public is available through NHS Inform (
The Scottish Government is also putting out the latest information and advice through social media channels, and on the Scottish Government website (
Revisions to this advice
This advice remains in force until amended. It will be maintained and revised in light of events.
The Scottish Government will continue to work closely with the UK Government, other devolved administrations, expert advisers and our Resilience partners on this, and all other aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tags: Coronavirus
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