So many plus points when you become an Official . . .

Tuesday 24th January 2023

Photo by Bobby Gavin

Sign-up here for an Officials course

We firmly believe everyone has a role to play in athletics in Scotland – and becoming an Official is a key area.

Our dedicated team of scottishathletics qualified Officials are the ones who make events happen week in, week out across the year and in the range of disciplines.

We need more people to commit some time to help and there are Officials courses coming up in the early part of 2023. Why not sign-up and start your officiating journey?

It’s enjoyable to be at events, be part of a team and to help make a vital contribution to the pathway for athletes and their coaches and clubs.

Don’t just take our word for it . . .

‘I’ve been an Official since 2012,’ said Rob Dalziel.

‘I started out as a parent helper when my daughter was competing and I have worked my way through the qualification system. It has kept me in the sport after my girls stopped competing.

‘I love it because there is a great camaraderie and it is so enjoyable to see young athletes come through the ranks with their clubs and then progress – with some making it to international level.

‘If you have some hours to spare or are at a time in your life when looking for something new, then I’d highly recommend being an Official.

‘It gets you out and about to events, you are part of a team and you are giving something back to the sport.’

‘I’ve been involved for almost two years as an Official and started, really, because my parents were doing it,’ said Lesley Rogers.

‘I wanted to join in and help out.

‘I am a track Official and also do some admin. I enjoy trying to help athletes and making sure they know what they are being asked to do.

‘I would urge anyone to take up officiating in Scotland. I am still an athlete myself but I am now working with a great group of Officials who have taken their love of the sport into officiating and helping making our events happen.’

Thanks very much to Rob, Lesley and Sue Gyford

Sign-up here for an Officials course


Tags: Lesley Rogers, Officials, Rob Dalziel

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