Athletic Development and Physical Preparation courses – dates

Friday 28th September 2018


Coach education is vital for our sport and at scottishathletics we’ve made it a key issue to try and provide the right opportunities to develop your skills.

New dates are now available for the popular and highly beneficial athletic development and physical preparation courses.

The athletic development and physical preparation courses aim to provide coaches of all levels with the knowledge and skills to help improve the physical development (and performance) of the athlete.

Through these courses we examine the fundamental movement patterns that underpin the sport specific actions; what do they look like, how to assess these movements and explore the different training methods to develop these.

The courses are delivered over four progressive levels to assist the coach in their development journey. And we have sessions coming up soon in Glasgow, Grangemouth and Aberdeen.

More information can be foundย here.

scottishathletics recommends Coaching Assistant coaches to attend the Level I course before progressing to the Athletics Coach award.

Similarly, we also recommend coaches with an Athletics Coach award and above to attend the Level II course before the progress to the Event Group Coach award.

Coach education opportunities for winter 2018-19

Tags: Aberdeen, Athletic Development and Physical Preparation, Coach Education, Glasgow, Grangemouth

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