Help us run Events – volunteer for May 12-14 at three venues

Thursday 27th April 2023

scottishathletics are seeking support from the Track and Field community as we prepare for the first events of the 2023 season.

The District Champs (U17, U15,U13) and National Open events (Senior/U20) will be held at Grangemouth, Kilmarnock and Inverness over the weekend of May 12-14.

Our dedicated team of Officials are thus stretched and we need volunteer help from the sport, please, to make the events happen.

Clubs – if you have athletes competing, we would love you to offer three names of folk willing to support our Officials in various roles that weekend.

Email and say which venue and which session you are able to help with.

We are very happy for people to volunteer for AM or PM or both as suits.Β Thank you.

(Details on the days etc are within our entry story online here

*Please let us know your offer of help by 5pm on Friday 5 May.



Tags: District Champs, Grangemouth, Inverness, Kilmarnock, National Open Events

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