Sign-up here for Coach Education courses in March, April

Wednesday 21st February 2024

Photo by Bobby Gavin

Coach Education courses

Coach Education is fundamental to what we do and vital for the growth and health of athletics in Scotland.

Bringing new volunteers into the sport or adding further qualifications to those already on their coaching journey is a priority for us.

So we have a series of courses scheduled for March and April and urge those interested to sign up now.

Venues around the country will host the course – including Grangemouth, Glasgow, Dunfermline, Aberdeen, Kilmarnock, Dundee and Stirling.

For those taking their first steps, there’s the Coaching Assistant course – ideal, for example, for those who currently drop their kids off for an athletics session or watch from the sidelines – why not get involved and help your club by joining the coaching team with this entry-level qualification?

We also have opportunities to take the Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF) course, enabling you to lead with a jogscotland group, or with the recreational running section of an athletics club.

For those already involved in coaching who wish to improve their skills there are the Athletics Coach courses.

We also have the opportunity to take our new Off Road module, for those who already hold a LiRF qualification and want to increase their confidence and skills on trails, hills, and other off-road terrains.

Check out the calendar via the link above, and get involved!

View course and sign-up here

Photo by Bobby Gavin


Tags: Coach Education

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