Club Development Framework

Friday 30th November 2018


scottishathletics are committed to continuing to put clubs at the heart of everything we do – and that’s made clear in our latest strategy ‘Building a Culture of Success’.

As clubs continue to evolve, the support services provided by scottishathletics also need to evolve and that means via our development team.

In order to meet the needs of all member clubs,  we are tweaking the role of our National Club Managers to further develop our support services and ensure that all clubs have a direct point of contact in the development team.

As a result the National Club Managers will no longer work in (geographical) areas as they have done since the inception of the role. For those clubs in Club Together and Club Modernisation programmes, this may mean that your point of contact will change.

All clubs will be contacted directly by their National Club Manager this week, to make them aware of their direct contact within the scottishathletics Development Team.

‘We’ve been working on a slight change to our development approach for some time because we want to try and reach out to every club in Scotland,’ said Colin Hutchison, Head of Development.

‘Every club will have a direct contact via our National Club Managers, who are no longer aligned to the original ‘district’ system. We are now asking the team to work with clubs according to their skills and knowledge and see what help and support we can provide.

‘We’re also placing a big emphasis on Officials with Shona Malcolm to work full-time as our Officials Development Officer.

‘The disability development work which Shona has carried out with such passion and dedication will now be shared by the full development team with support from  and Shona, who will still deliver inclusive athletics training.’

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Club Development Framework


We are pleased to launch our Club Development Framework as announced recently at the National Club Conference.

The Club Development Framework is a guidance document that can be used by clubs to review and further improve across different areas of the club’s business.

The framework has been developed using feedback from clubs, our experiences working with clubs, and reviewing good practice in the industry. It is supported by the ‘Club Review’ tool on the ClubServe system which all members clubs have access to as part of their scottishathletics membership.

The Club Development Framework (see PDF) has more details and clubs can obtain a hard copy from your National Club Manager. (please use the zoom facility on the PDF to review the content).

On the back of launching the Club Development Framework, we are now planning events for 2019 as part of our club services support programme. Dates for these events will be communicated to all clubs in the coming weeks.






Tags: Colin Hutchison, Development, Officials, Shona Malcolm

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